COPYRIGHT ? 2020 常州市金壇科苑電器有限公司 蘇ICP備19066792號-1 網站建設:中企動力 常州
手機(Phone):13813503791 朱建新 18961176182 姜女士
電話(TEL):+86-0519-82526182 +86-519-82526183 客戶反饋
1. 準備
1.1 檢查電源是否正常、導線連接是否牢固、感應圈匝間有無短路、有磁塊的要注意其位置是否合適。
2. 操作
2.1 合上電源開關(進線開關及機器后部開關),等待5秒鐘左右再撥動面板上的控制電源開關,觀察面板上電源指示燈亮否。
2.2 將電位器旋鈕調至適當位置(工件不變時,電位器位置不變)根據不同的加熱情況,參照使用說明書選擇三種控制方式的其中一種進行操作。
3. 維護
3.1 設備應有專人操作和保養,他人不得隨意操作。
3.2 應確保冷卻水池(桶)內清潔,不得有雜物、污垢,每六個月要對機器水路進行一次清洗,除去水管內水垢,具體做法是將25kg左右的鹽酸倒入塑料桶中,然后將水泵上的進水管和出水管一并放入塑料桶中,關閉機器電源,單獨開啟水泵運行15分鐘,使鹽酸在水路中循環流動,可以除去水垢。以避免因水垢堵塞水路、水流量降低而引起機器過熱及水管漲裂。
3.3 設備應注意防潮和防塵,陰雨天開機前要用電吹風機進行防潮處理,熱處理冷卻水不可飛濺到機器上。
3.5 應注意使用環境的條件,室溫不超過35℃,空氣濕度不超過90%,否則應加裝通風風機。
3.6 冬天室溫低于0℃時,一旦停機不用應將感應圈拆卸,并放掉水泵及機器水管中的冷卻水,以免因結冰而損壞水泵及機器內器件。
3.7 應特別注意機器內外冷卻水管是否因移動而卷曲(水管卷曲將使水流量減?。?,嚴重影響冷卻效果,導致機內功率器件損壞。
1. 準備
1.1 檢查電源是否正常、導線連接是否牢固、感應圈匝間有無短路、有磁塊的要注意其位置是否合適。
2. 操作
2.1 合上電源開關(進線開關及機器后部開關),等待5秒鐘左右再撥動面板上的控制電源開關,觀察面板上電源指示燈亮否。
2.2 將電位器旋鈕調至適當位置(工件不變時,電位器位置不變)根據不同的加熱情況,參照使用說明書選擇三種控制方式的其中一種進行操作。
3. 維護
3.1 設備應有專人操作和保養,他人不得隨意操作。
3.2 應確保冷卻水池(桶)內清潔,不得有雜物、污垢,每六個月要對機器水路進行一次清洗,除去水管內水垢,具體做法是將25kg左右的鹽酸倒入塑料桶中,然后將水泵上的進水管和出水管一并放入塑料桶中,關閉機器電源,單獨開啟水泵運行15分鐘,使鹽酸在水路中循環流動,可以除去水垢。以避免因水垢堵塞水路、水流量降低而引起機器過熱及水管漲裂。
3.3 設備應注意防潮和防塵,陰雨天開機前要用電吹風機進行防潮處理,熱處理冷卻水不可飛濺到機器上。
3.5 應注意使用環境的條件,室溫不超過35℃,空氣濕度不超過90%,否則應加裝通風風機。
3.6 冬天室溫低于0℃時,一旦停機不用應將感應圈拆卸,并放掉水泵及機器水管中的冷卻水,以免因結冰而損壞水泵及機器內器件。
3.7 應特別注意機器內外冷卻水管是否因移動而卷曲(水管卷曲將使水流量減?。?,嚴重影響冷卻效果,導致機內功率器件損壞。
1. Prepared
1.1 Power check whether it is normal, wire connection is strong, whether induction loop interturn short, we should pay attention to the magnetic block the suitability of their location.
1.2 a pump and check whether it is normal for the cooling water flow, whether drip water situation.
2. Operation
2.1, a power switch (switches and machinery into the back line switch), waiting to pick about 5 seconds on the control panel power switch, power indicator on the panel observed-not.
2.2 potentiometer knob will be transferred to an appropriate location (workpiece unchanged, the potential for the same position) under different heating, light Manual control options are one way to operate.
3. Maintenance
3.1 The equipment should be free operation and maintenance, operation and not arbitrarily.
3.2 should ensure that the cooling pond (barrels), cleaning, there must be no debris, dirt, every six months to carry out a sea of washing machines, water pipes, to remove scale, it would be specific about 25 kg of hydrochloric acid into the plastic bucket, then on the pump inlet and outlet pipe in plastic buckets together Add to the closure of machine power, a separate 15-minute run to open pumps, hydrochloric acid in the sea in circulation, remove furring. So as to avoid fouling plug waterways, and reduce the water flow caused water pipes to overheat and crack up.
3.3 The equipment should pay attention to dust and moisture-resistant, rain days before rebooting use a hair dryer moisture-proof handle, heat treatment of the cooling water splashing on the machine.
3.4 Special attention should be paid to whether the surrounding environment conductive dust or corrosive gases (such as acid mist), conductive and corrosive gases will seriously affect the normal operation of equipment and often damage electronic components in the equipment.
3.5 should pay attention to the use of environmental conditions at room temperature not exceeding 35 ℃, air humidity less than 90%, it shall be the installation of ventilation fan.
3.6 winter temperature below 0 ℃, no downtime once induction loop should be demolished, pumps and machinery and release them in the cooling water pipes, so as to avoid damage due to ice machines, pumps and devices.
3.7 should pay special attention to whether the machines due to internal and external cooling pipe mobile and curly (curly pipes will reduce the water flow), which has seriously affected the cooling effect, resulting in damage to power devices in the machine.
1.1 Power check whether it is normal, wire connection is strong, whether induction loop interturn short, we should pay attention to the magnetic block the suitability of their location.
1.2 a pump and check whether it is normal for the cooling water flow, whether drip water situation.
2. Operation
2.1, a power switch (switches and machinery into the back line switch), waiting to pick about 5 seconds on the control panel power switch, power indicator on the panel observed-not.
2.2 potentiometer knob will be transferred to an appropriate location (workpiece unchanged, the potential for the same position) under different heating, light Manual control options are one way to operate.
3. Maintenance
3.1 The equipment should be free operation and maintenance, operation and not arbitrarily.
3.2 should ensure that the cooling pond (barrels), cleaning, there must be no debris, dirt, every six months to carry out a sea of washing machines, water pipes, to remove scale, it would be specific about 25 kg of hydrochloric acid into the plastic bucket, then on the pump inlet and outlet pipe in plastic buckets together Add to the closure of machine power, a separate 15-minute run to open pumps, hydrochloric acid in the sea in circulation, remove furring. So as to avoid fouling plug waterways, and reduce the water flow caused water pipes to overheat and crack up.
3.3 The equipment should pay attention to dust and moisture-resistant, rain days before rebooting use a hair dryer moisture-proof handle, heat treatment of the cooling water splashing on the machine.
3.4 Special attention should be paid to whether the surrounding environment conductive dust or corrosive gases (such as acid mist), conductive and corrosive gases will seriously affect the normal operation of equipment and often damage electronic components in the equipment.
3.5 should pay attention to the use of environmental conditions at room temperature not exceeding 35 ℃, air humidity less than 90%, it shall be the installation of ventilation fan.
3.6 winter temperature below 0 ℃, no downtime once induction loop should be demolished, pumps and machinery and release them in the cooling water pipes, so as to avoid damage due to ice machines, pumps and devices.
3.7 should pay special attention to whether the machines due to internal and external cooling pipe mobile and curly (curly pipes will reduce the water flow), which has seriously affected the cooling effect, resulting in damage to power devices in the machine.